
Sunday, June 08, 2008

My New Roof!


View of My New Roof
It's all covered with new plywood, some new framing, new rubber, new caulk, and a bit of a warrantee. In other words, the rest of the motorhome should wear out before I need to do that again.
Where the patch and I did battle
Here is the upper left corner that gave me so much trouble, when I did battle with the over-sized patch.
No more saggy patches where the antenna used to be.
Here is where the big patches were where the antenna was removed - and the DC-powered vent fan which replaces the AC-powered air conditioner. The air conditioner works fine, but only when plugged into shore power - which happens so rarely in my travels. If you want to buy a good used a/c and you are in the Virginia area, contact me.

Vast Expanse of White Rubber Roof
I know I've posted prettier pictures aesthetically than this expanse of white - but to me right now, it's georgeous.


  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    WOW!!! You're right, the expanse of white does look georgeous. Hopefully we'll see you on the road. Merri

  2. Looks good, Jane!

  3. yes, such a simple looking thing can mean so much. All is well then,


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